How Indoor Skydiving Helps Those with Special Needs

Indoor skydiving can be quite an intense activity that many are not brave enough to try. So, why is it an excellent activity for individuals with special needs?

Richard Kane Mansir explains that indoor skydiving can help individuals with special needs grow in self-esteem by accomplishing something that many might not attempt! It allows them to build their confidence, and the flying sensation almost gives them the feeling that they are superheroes!

Below, more about how indoor skydiving can help to lift persons with special needs to new heights is discussed.

Indoor Skydiving Builds Self-Esteem

Studies have shown, such as one conducted by California State University San Marcos, that individuals with special needs suffer from low self-esteem at much higher rates than other segments of the population. This can then lead to issues with mental health and even antisocial behavior.

Taking part in an activity such as indoor skydiving can promote adrenaline and the feel-good hormones dopamine and serotonin. This can help the individual to feel proud of themselves, feel positive, and improve their self-image.

Facing Fears and Building Confidence

Although it can seem scary at first when we face our fears, it can help us to build resilience and confidence. Indoor skydiving gives many the feeling that they are flying, and to some with more vivid senses of imagination can turn them into superheroes!

For people with special needs, who may struggle when faced with new or unfamiliar tasks, taking on something such as indoor skydiving and completing the activity can be a real confidence boost and an experience they can reflect on when completing future tasks or activities.

It’s Accessible to Varying Abilities

Thanks to the ability of essential weightlessness indoor “flying” provides, it can be incredibly accessible for those who may also suffer from physical impairments and disabilities. Age and physical ability don’t play as much of a part in indoor skydiving as other physical sports, meaning anyone who is willing to put the time and effort in can give it a go!

The feeling of weightlessness can also be incredibly freeing, as well as allowing people to exercise with minimal effort. Indoor skydiving can help to strengthen the muscles of the core, legs, back, and arms while also improving proprioception and coordination. Having trained professionals nearby also helps individuals to feel confident to truly give it their all!

Richard Kane Mansir

It’s an Amazing Sensory Experience

Although some individuals may find the sound of the air rushing past their ears a little unsettling, this can easily be mitigated by the use of correctly fitted earplugs.

Otherwise, for many people with special needs such as autism, the sensory stimulation can be quite a pleasant experience!

It’s Simply Just a Lot of Fun

As those who have experienced it might evangelize, alongside the physical and mental benefits of indoor skydiving, it’s also an experience that truly cannot be beaten!

For those who may be interested in giving indoor skydiving a try or know of someone who may benefit, consider finding out the nearest indoor skydiving tunnel and enquire as to their ability to cater to special needs.

Richard Mansir
Richard Kane Mansir